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The Australian Judicial Officers Association is governed by a Governing Council and Executive Committee which are responsible for the management of the business and affairs of the Association. The Governing Council consists of judges and magistrates drawn from all of the courts in all jurisdictions and at all levels throughout Australia. The Executive Committee is a smaller body drawn from members of the Governing Council and is responsible for transacting the business of the Association. The Governing Council meets three times and the Executive Committee four times each year.

The Association is governed according to its Rules. To read the Rules of the Australian Judicial Officers Association click here.

Governing Council and Executive Committee Members

*Denotes Executive Committee Members

Justice Darryl Rangiah*, Federal Court of Australia – Vice-President
Justice Michael Baumann AM*, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – Treasurer

Australian Capital Territory
Justice Chrissa Loukas-Karlsson*, Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory
Magistrate James Stewart, Magistrates Court of the Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales
Justice Richard Weinstein*, Supreme Court of New South Wales
Justice Jane Paingakulam, Industrial Court of New South Wales
Justice Nicola Pain*, Land and Environment Court of New South Wales
Judge Craig Smith SC, District Court of New South Wales 
Magistrate Jenny Atkinson, Local Court of New South Wales 

Northern Territory
Justice Jenny Blokland AO*, Supreme Court of the Northern Territory
Chief Judge Elizabeth Morris AM, Local Court of the Northern Territory

Justice David Boddice*, Supreme Court of Queensland
Judge Anthony Rafter SC, District Court of Queensland
Vice President Daniel O’Connor OAM, Industrial Court of Queensland
President Peta Stilgoe OAM*, Land Court of Queensland
Deputy Chief Magistrate Stephen Courtney, Magistrates Court of Queensland

South Australia
Judge Graham Dart, Supreme Court of South Australia
Judge Rauf Soulio AM*, District Court of South Australia
Justice Steven Dolphin, South Australian Employment Tribunal
Magistrate Toni Vozzo, Magistrates Court of South Australia

Associate Justice Michael Daly, Supreme Court of Tasmania
Magistrate Chris Webster, Magistrates Court of Tasmania

Justice Steven Moore*, Supreme Court of Victoria – President
(Justice Melinda Richards*, Supreme Court of Victoria – member of the Executive Committee only)
Judge Michael Cahill*, County Court of Victoria – Intermediate Courts Representative
Magistrate Jan Maclean, Magistrates’ Court of Victoria

Western Australia
Justice Michael Lundberg, Supreme Court of Western Australia
Judge John Staude, District Court of Western Australia
Magistrate Andrée Horrigan*, Magistrates Court of Western Australia –  Magistrates/Local Courts Representative

Remaining Meeting Dates for 2024:

  • Thursday 14 November – a (virtual) meeting of the Executive Committee

Meeting Dates for 2025:

  • Thursday 6 February – a (virtual) meeting of the Executive Committee
  • Saturday 15 March – a meeting of the Governing Council in Sydney
  • Thursday 8 May – a (virtual) meeting of the Executive Committee
  • Saturday 14 June – a meeting of the Governing Council in Melbourne
  • Thursday 17 July – a (virtual) meeting of the Executive Committee
  • Thursday 9 October – a meeting of the Governing council (coincides with 2025 Colloquium and AGM)
  • Friday 10 October – AGM and a meeting of the Governing council (coincides with 2025 Colloquium)
  • Thursday 13 November – a (virtual) meeting of the Executive Committee